Blog# 1
Dear readers:
Change and Communication
Here you will find your way to start changing your life status in all aspects of life, by following simple steps.
Is a main success factor in life, it is a skill that everyone can and should learn. Even if one believes they have mastered communication, there is always improvement that may be sought. What you need to know and what steps you need to follow are explained in this book. To reap the full benefits, you may first need to make some changes to your lifestyle or world view, which will allow you to gain and relish in abundant success.
It needs practice, determination, patience, a clear vision, awareness, and a set target. You can repeat the whole process continuously if you want to reach the highest level of success، which is rooted in better communication. Your guide to get started is simply laid on, in this book. Enjoy your journey to Success.
What to do?
1- You need to watch your words, actions, behaviors, and thoughts to see whether they are all aligned in the same direction, or some in opposite direction, or mostly swinging all the time between both directions?
Ask yourself, are you the same person at home, in personal life, public life, social life, and work surroundings?
Be extremely honest facing yourself, if you really want, or need to make a change in your life, or need to fix a status, or situation in your life and path.
Think about it, observe your act, be aware of yourself, write down in your personal notes, or your diary, you do not need to share it even with anyone. Write down at least three things (or maybe more) you have noticed or found, that you need to change. Or not happy about.
This is your homework till (until) next Tuesday. Thanks, and Salam
Noran Zahran
Author of change and communication book
July, 27, 2022